These have become a part of
our everyday lives - not only for people engaging in stressful jobs but also kids,
housewives and retired personnel. They are now a constant part of our daily
lives. Wen are a worried lot. Most of the time we worry about things that will
never happen. Or worry about things that if happen will have no impact on our
lives in the medium term.
Can these be avoided? YES
Is there a solution?
Definitely YES
Do I know it? Definitely NO
(if I did I would still have a lot of black hair)
Will you get a solution after
reading this? MAYBE
The thing is that we have to
find our own solutions. There is no “killer app” that life gives you to fix the
many problems that we face. To stumble upon solutions to a problem, we need to
appreciate that there is a problem and then think about the same. This is
really difficult for the mind. Even accepting that there is a problem is close
to impossible. We just don’t read the writing on the wall. And if there is a
problem the easiest response is not to think about it at all. Just ignore it
and the problem will go away. Unfortunately it doesn’t – it is the elephant in
the room. Let us see what can be done to address the same –
Hobby –
It is a terrific stress
buster. Writing does it for me. For you it could be reading, singing, dancing, cooking,
painting, philanthrophy, nature, workouts – find out your own stress buster and
devote at least some time every week to it. Mind you – socialising is not a
hobby. Results are guaranteed, time period for achieving the same depends on
Love –
It is very important to have a
loving circle – family/social/even pets. We love the feeling of being loved and
our love for someone being reciprocated.
Humility & Kindness –
Kindness keeps the heart in
the right place. Humility keeps us grounded and our ego at bay. It also keeps
away a lot of stress that the “peer pressure” builds on us.
Humour -
Laugh. Find reasons to be
happy. Find out what tickles your funny bone. If nothing works – watch the
Rahul Gandhi interview with Arnab – it will definitely work.
Conditioning –
No, the hair conditioner won’t
The reason that we are not
extinct (at least not yet) is that we adapt to our environment. Evolution has
made us capable of reacting to stimulus. It is like the work antibiotics do in
our body – small doses of bacteria/virus builds our resistances. Same with
stress. I am not asking you to walk into stressful situations or ask for
trouble. As we start handling stress we start getting better at it. The point
is that we can get conditioned to handle it. It is like the people who stay
close to airports or railway tracks get used to the noise – it is painful in
the beginning, it becomes a part of life once you get used to it. The trick is
to realise how much can you take. Since you can’t fight and win all battles –
choose yours carefully. If stress in the office is high, try to keep the
domestic life peaceful. And vice versa.
Better to deal with it as we
can’t run away from it.
If you can do it well, all the
glory and the peace is ours to have.
After all, “Diamond is just a
piece of coal which handled pressure very well”
All the best!!
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