It is the time of the year for budget wish lists. Lower taxes and better standards of living are on everyone’s mind. Reminds me of something a wise person said.
Everyone wants to go to heaven
but no one wants to die.
Going with the seasonality
effect, here is what I wish to see this year.
Tax farm income in excess of 10
lcs –
There is no reason for all farm
income to be tax free. Also do away with all the tax incentives for farmers on purchase
of all luxury vehicles.
Create a department of efficiency
The same way as proposed in the US, a special ministry should be created to take a look at the government departments and their expenditures and suggest measures to cut flab and get efficient.
Make PPF voluntary –
The middle class and lower middle
class is leveraged with loan rates being much higher than what returns being
offered on this mandatory investment. For retirement savings the NPS exists.
Trust the citizens to plan for retirement with a combination of SIP, insurance
and NPS. Will also improve ease of doing business by eliminating the PPF related
Make STT and brokerage paid
deductible from capital gains –
STT was introduced when capital
gains were abolished. Now we have both co existing. This will provide some
relief of the increase in capital gains taxes undertaken last year.
Make GST paid by individuals as
advance tax –
Up to 25% of the GST paid by
individuals in the highest GST bracket should be allowed as advance tax. Will
reduce the demand for items to be brought down from highest tax bracket, widen the
tax base and improve compliance. PAN of the individuals can be provided at the
time of consumption to get this benefit.
Create a scheme to encourage gold
recycling in the country –
Incentive households and temple
trusts to recycle the gold being held by them. Sovereign Gold Bonds was a good
scheme. Channelise the domestic capital into areas of the economy where it can
be productively used.
Stop export of domestic capital –
We remain short of domestic risk
capital, in spite of the rise of the SIP and equity cult. The recent IPO of an
auto MNC sets a dangerous precedent. A large consumer durable MNC is next. More
will come. These MNC’s have already extracted their capital and profits out of
the country. Now they are raising fresh capital and taking it back to their
home countries. This should not be allowed. Any capital raise by an MNC in
India should be strictly for reinvestment back in the country. Billions of
dollars have already been taken out. Many more tens of billions will follow, if
this is not stopped.
Make hospitalisation expenses not
claimed under insurance deductible as expenses –
Many families suffer reversal of
fortunes and loss of accumulated savings by medical emergencies where they are
not covered/reimbursed under insurance. Such expenses should be allowed to be
treated as expense without limits and deductible from income being offered for
tax, up to the annual income of the year.
Retain different tax rates for different
income types –